Do you have any idea what may be happening to me ? I woke up this morning with dry throat (but no pain) but my right jaw hurts (I'm not sure if the teeth) , ear and head. The pain increased throughout the day. No congestion or cough. I went to the ER.

  • 1 Answer
  • Dr. Doctuo

    This type of pain may be caused by a variety of causes other than sinusitis. Dental pain could be a possibility. If you suffer from bruxism (teeth grazed night) or temporomandibular joint syndrome may experience intermittent pain in the jaw and face. The stones in the salivary duct - like kidney stones - can cause pain until they can pass through the canal (a stone could explain the dry feeling you mentioned). Trigeminal neuralgia or a nerve problem that may come and go, often also cause facial pain. A temporal arteritis or an inflammatory disease of the arteries can also be common symptoms of facial pain and headaches in adults. Cluster headaches, atypical migraine and myofascial pain syndrome can cause pain on one side of the face, but his symptoms do not seem to agree with these conditions. If you have not gone to the dentist in a while, consider making an appointment to rule out dental problems. If your teeth seem fine, see your family doctor to rule out other serious medical conditions and to determine possible treatment.

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