There are many explanations for this pain you've described: arthritis, breathing heavy, pinched nerves, herniated discs and more. ...
The answer to this question you would have to give the psychiatrist or cardiologist, is not an easy ...
These are not symptoms of a grade III Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. When the circuit is overloaded brain due to ...
With this kind of symptoms should be evaluated in person by your doctor so you can perform a ...
Stress , poor diet , smoking , dehydration , anemia, drug interactions , endocrine problems , heart problems ...
Chances are you have a delay in menstruation and that is caused by stress. Some types of cramps ...
Instead I ask you were to perform a number of tests - complete blood count , a whole ...
You can not tell if you have an anxiety disorder . It needs to be thoroughly evaluated to ...
He has described the classic signs of a serious liver disease. Yellowing of the eyes is called jaundice ...
For a brief seizure-like , you need a complete evaluation and treatment. Whether you are fainting, seizures or ...
See your ENT .
You could make a blood test including inflammatory markers . Regarding headache artery occlusion can give headaches, jaw ...
Multiple sclerosis is a rheumatic problem. Yes sometimes causing pain but not cause joint pain with sweating and ...
Looks like you're having panic attacks. Check with your doctor .
Your symptoms and medical history suggest an autoimmune disorder. Although blood tests have been negative they are not ...
This does not look like a backache . It could be a kidney infection. The safest answer is ...
You did not mention your age or if you have other medical problems (diabetes, previous abdominal surgery , ...
Your symptoms are very disturbing . I advise you all the symptoms that point was for days , ...
The explanation for these symptoms may be anxiety / panic attacks, stress, a heart problem, an infectious process. ...
You should seek a second medical opinion.
There are a number of possible explanations for the symptoms of his daughter. If your pulse is increased ...
These symptoms may lead to serious problems, I recommend you go to the doctor.
If these symptoms are happening right now should go to the emergency room. The symptoms of a myocardial ...
Please call emergency for an ambulance if new symptoms occur. I will list some of the symptoms of ...
If the symptoms last for approximately a week could be a viral infection, if symptoms worsen or become ...