I have post-traumatic stress . If I will prove LSD ( acid) will make me have a flashback ? I have also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder . For what reasons should not take LSD?

  • 1 Answer
  • Dra. Doctuo

    The acid, or LSD, is a very dangerous drug that should be avoided at all costs , especially as someone with diagnosed mental problems. Acid distort your visual judgment , their feelings , moods and feelings. You could be very scared and panic. You may experience a feeling of terror, despair, fear of losing control , feeling mad or even feel like you're dying. Therefore, if you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder , the event that caused this disorder could be the main focus of this fear and terror. This combination is a very dangerous combination that could potentially lead to a fatality ( such as suicide ) . If the above reasons are not good enough to skip the acid reasons , then you should immediately consult with your psychiatrist to Eastern and advise you with this problem.

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