I slipped and I banged my head a week ago. Should I see a doctor? I called the doctor after I hit my head because I had symptoms of a concussion (headache and nausea) and perhaps whiplash (neck muscles stiff and sore).

  • 1 Answer
  • Dra. Doctuo

    He did not mention his age. The larger one , the greater the risk of a fall , as he suffered , can cause a subdural hematoma , ie , bleeding in the brain within the head surface . This could cause a persistent headache and eventually when the pressure of the head worsens much , could cause the symptoms of a stroke , weakness , vomiting , coma and death. I advise you to go back to your doctor and that a full and thorough neurological examination is made , in addition to asking for a scan of his head to make sure you do not have subdural bleeding.

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