I understand the anxiety can stop you to visit the dentist. However, ignoring the problem in your teeth ...
A chopped or dead tooth can cause discomfort. You go to the dentist.
POTS disease is an infection in the column with the TB bacteria. Usually after you have been infected ...
I can not diagnose you without seeing you. It can be from simple constipation to a tumor. But ...
Looks like you're already spending the last residual symptoms such as cough and headache.
You should go to the doctor who did the colonoscopy you ASAP. Looks like you have an infection ...
The symptoms you describe could be anything from an infection to cancer. These symptoms worry me and no ...
Cough with vomiting always makes me think of pertussis, but does not describe a dry cough before vomiting. ...
You should consult your doctor. If it is an unusual headache, you should go to the emergency room ...
Looks like you have tonsillitis and infection of the upper respiratory tract, probably need to see your doctor ...
Headache during pregnancy worries me. Contact your doctor.
These symptoms may be caused by many things, a viral infection, a bacterial infection or even allergies. Prompt ...
The sensation of thirst may be chronic diabetes.
Loud music can cause headache. If loud music caused stress then yes, it could cause jaw stiffness and ...
Yes, it could be sinusitis. You could have pneumonia, but has not said anything of fever, respiratory problems ...
With such vague symptoms is difficult to diagnose you. Chest pain can yank from a heart problem. In ...
Sometimes local infections are mistaken for spider bites. I would make sure it was not cellulite, instead of ...
Lumbar and lower abdominal pain associated with kidney problems or gallbladder. The headache may also occur. Check with ...
Check with your doctor.
The only common complication of lumbar puncture headache. Persistent dizziness and ringing in the ears are not likely ...
I think I may have made a typo in your question. A temperature of 95.5 ° F is ...
Go to the ER, and worry about the costs later, and never will matter most if this is ...
Most people experience no symptoms in the eastern Nile virus. Mild symptoms usually occur in approximately 20% of ...
He did not mention what was the range of normal for each laboratory test reference, but I imagine ...
There are too many possibilities to answer with ease. Depending on your age, you may have both a ...