POTS disease is an infection in the column with the TB bacteria. Usually after you have been infected ...
Check with your obstetrician. It may be an infection or kidney stone, a herniated disc, arthritis or other ...
A complete blood cell count is a common test and should be performed if infection is suspected.
You seem to have a variety of symptoms, could be many things like, neuromuscular problems, infection, degenerative problems, ...
You should go to the doctor who did the colonoscopy you ASAP. Looks like you have an infection ...
The symptoms you describe could be anything from an infection to cancer. These symptoms worry me and no ...
Your symptoms do not seem helicobacter infection. If your doctor believe that this possibility would have to make ...
Looks like you have tonsillitis and infection of the upper respiratory tract, probably need to see your doctor ...
These symptoms may be caused by many things, a viral infection, a bacterial infection or even allergies. Prompt ...
It may be an infection in the spine as discitis or osteomyelitis. Could be an epidural abscess. I ...
It could be bronchitis or a viral infection (influenza). Are you taking medication? Check with your doctor.
In your case I would not expect much, take your child to the ER for you immediately make ...
Take her to the pediatrician.
If you really throughout the body and have been there a while, you need to see a doctor. ...
Hives not usually accompanied by small blisters with black dots in the center unless it be impetigo. I'm ...
Overall, lymphadenopathy (swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes due to infection or inflammation) is passed in about ...
It's time to seek medical attention. Since you have a sore throat with difficulty swallowing, swelling and tenderness ...
I can not determine if your injury is a cyst only from this description. I'll assume (tell me ...
No mention at what stage of pregnancy is. Have you had any problems with blood pressure or the ...
If your father is experiencing fainting spells caused by a slow heartbeat, has the risk of serious injury ...
When the internal nasal lining becomes irritated, you can create more mucus than normal. This could cause a ...
When you say that a complete hysterectomy was performed, I assume he meant he also removed the ovaries. ...
Most likely not have a connection, but since you have mild fever with sore neck and back, I ...
Requires a medical history and perform a thorough examination. Flu symptoms appear, but it could also be an ...
Needs to be examined and a pregnancy test should be performed. You could be pregnant or you could ...