I've been feeling strange and I have had some severe headaches and changes in vision and numbness in the hand and foot . About two weeks ago I started experiencing constant headaches and reached a point where every time I ate felt as if to vomit.

  • 1 Answer
  • Dra. Doctuo

    Fibromyalgia Symptoms : Muscle pain , muscle spasms or tightness / weakness in arms and legs, leg cramps , fatigue, difficulty sleeping, waking stiffness , stiffness after remaining in the same position for a long period , problems remembering or concentrating, abdominal pain , bloating , nausea , constipation , diarrhea , headaches , jaw and face pain , anxiety, depression , numbness or tingling in the face, arms , hands, legs or feet , urinary changes , feeling of swelling in the hands and feet, painful menstruation , dizziness , sensitivity to smells , sounds , bright lights , medications , certain foods , and cold (may not be sensitive to all of the above ) . As you see the list is quite long and the diagnosis can sometimes be tricky. Please see a medical professional for an evaluation . Good Luck!

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